2022 is set to be a major year for the Dragon Ball franchise, with Gohan and Piccolo set to take center stage in the next movie of the Shonen series, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. With the two Z-Fighters set to take on the newest androids of the Red Ribbon Army, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, plenty of fans have been wondering what new developments will arrive for Gohan, Piccolo, and Pan, with one fan artist traveling back to the days of Dragon Ball Z to give Goku's son a makeover in the style of feudal Japan.
One of the biggest questions that has arisen for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero isn't just whether or not Gohan will receive a new transformation in unison with Piccolo's new form, but whether or not the upcoming movie is a stealth way of bringing back the classic Dragon Ball Z villain, Cell. With the likes of Frieza and Majin Buu still being a part of the Shonen franchise, the creation of Dr. Gero has yet to be resurrected following his defeat during the Cell Saga. While Cell has yet to be confirmed in the upcoming movie that will hit Japanese theaters this summer, a mysterious capsule has been featured in promotional materials that many believe is housing the classic Dragon Ball villain.
One Dragon Ball Fan Artist shared this impressive take on the battle between Gohan and Cell that took place during Dragon Ball Z, re-imagining the fight from Akira Toriyama that would introduce the transformation of Super Saiyan 2 to the Shonen franchise:
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, which may or may not feature the resurrection of Cell, was originally slated to arrive this month, but due to a hacking attack that befell Toei Animation, the film had to be delayed to this summer. While a release date for North America has yet to be revealed, fans are left wondering if the recent hack will cause it to be delayed as well.
Currently, Dragon Ball Super's television anime has yet to announce when or if it will be making a comeback, though plenty of Shonen fans are crossing their fingers that an announcement will be made around the time of the film's release.
What do you think of this new take on the battle between Gohan and Cell? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball.
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